
Break up, perhaps we grow up

My side has a pair of so many people are envious of the couple, Nan and Xin, who met 16 years can be called childhood, they often chat with each of its meetings to hear the topic of life after marriage plans, those of us friends heard very happy, all sincerely wish them happiness later in life. -

Nan Xin love love, he has been wanted to give her happiness, whether spiritual or material, every time we were together he was always in front of us swear we also know that no matter what Xin asked him to accept, never said, "No" because he loves Xin, Xin also told us that she was the happiest woman in the world, as long as the energy and Nan together, where anything is happy. -

Gradually they become inseparable couple, Nan would be happy, Xin Nan had that old haunt this poor, fear of Nan for a long time hate, in fact, men love a woman want to be able to think as birds twitter around the side, playing a joke laugh, like a child as happy, when men see their women this way, he inadvertently smile. -

Love always to forget the time, and soon they grow up, Nan Xin began to pursue happiness to give the day to work, very hard work, but also because of this, and Xin together greatly reducing the time, and Xin I passed a good art school, began to practice every day of her dancing, and sometimes work early to pick her nan would sneak in the side, because they just started to learn dance Xin said that bad, he does not want to see the clumsy look, we always want to look their best left to a loved one, can be clumsy men like to watch a woman look very cute, Nan's heart suddenly raised a very happy feeling, hope to continue that way, can the old days, people always frown too happy ...

Nan suddenly one day we call out to drink, that is a bad mood, he played a Jiujin the beginning and tell us, the company sent him to Shanghai on business, at first all Xiaoma he is a fool, not such a good opportunity to anyone to some, when your boss asks you to travel, do not hidden bitterness, because the boss took a fancy to your talent, give you the opportunity to succeed. He sighed, unhappy to say that "good hair, I know this rare opportunity, but I prefer to think of the field to accompany Hope not, but one that is 7 months away, they might have to one year too long Never mind I got Xin, etc. can not afford. "

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