
Love forever

Love forever

That year, I was eighteen years old, the third year, fell in love with a girl named Wang Fei.
Wang Fei is a cultural and class members, she born with a golden voice, singing like the sweet lark. I was initially attracted by her singing of. It was a spring evening, the setting sun throwing, Fei walking on the campus lawn, her body beautiful, long hair Rubao, her Life on a String: "Mandarin Duck Amphibious Flying butterflies, beauties of springtime fides drunk ... ..." That moment, I am intoxicated. Wang Fei has began to pay attention.
Wang Fei's character happy and pure, sweet face, always wearing a smile. A boy gave her the nickname "happy angel." Many boys to write her a note about her out to dinner, or watching movies. She politely refused. Her pure, Xin Jing sway me more, and finally one day, I wrote a note, sneaking into Fei's textbook folder.
Wang Fei did not expect even a reply. Somewhere, there is something of a telepathic link the two young hearts. From fish to birds depart, mesmerized.
Wang Fei love reading, I love reading, there are many common languages.
That night, moonlight. We Meet, came the Crescent River Campus, Advantage and Pattern of Liu Ying in the light wind, we have a first kiss.
Then, Wang Fei gently let go of my hand. Fei looked up, looked at me seriously, I saw the stars shining in her eye. Wang Fei said: "Now, we must break up."
"Why?" I was taken aback, distraught and said, "Yes we've just begun."
"We should concentrate on studying up." Fei sounds small, it is unusual said firmly, "and admitted to the university, and we have officially fall in love, okay?"
Despite the discomfort, I nodded, Wang Fei's meaning is very aware that we must be accountable to each other, but also for their future responsibility.
With power, I will double my efforts to learn. Finally, I was admitted to the dream of Peking University.
Get the admission notice of the time, my heart seems to give birth to a pair of wings and fly towards the Mang Ling, it is the home of Wang Fei.
August, the hot, I rode an old bike in, after more than four hours, found the home of Wang Fei. Sweat soaked clothes, I dropped a bike, walked into the door that the quiet pace of foam door.

